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August 21, 2007



Regarding spelling on-line I highly recommend switching to Firefox because it brings the joy of the little red squiggles to every text box on the internet. My perceived IQ has grown tremendously with that one small feature.


LizTheFair is here, life is good!

I have to confess, I am a good speller so I don't usually use SC. Also, I have never warmed up to Firefox. Double shame!

I did, however, need my excellent merriam-webster collegiate subscription to make sure I was using "shill" properly.


I actually noticed your use of shill-- here and maybe somewhere else? It's a good word.

I'm sorry to hear Firefox didn't work out for you. I was a bit late to the party but now I'm a true believer.


I'll second the Firefox recommendation.

As for hiring copywriters, it's just a matter of expertise, really. You could perhaps write some serviceable copy, but it will take you too much time and effort to be worth it in all but the most austere bootstrapping operations.

There are a lot of things I could do, but I'd rather be doing the things that I do best.

Also, as you have said, most of the time the results of amateur writers are obviously amateur.

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